SLC was selected by the Monument Soil & Water Conservation District to construct their Cavender Wetland Enhancement Project. Construction began in August of 2016 and completed it in October 2016.
The main goal of the project is to improve wetland and riparian habitat at a site adjacent to the North Fork of the John Day River, right outside of the City of Monument. The site was formally a saw mill pond that last operated in 1959. Multiple flooding events have deposited an estimated 6 feet of silt within the pond and created a wetland area which is very uncommon to the area.
Construction included installation of a large wood habitat structure that also functions as a bank protection structure, excavation of side channels within the existing wetland area, a few small wood habitat structures within the new wetland channels, lowering of the existing levee, removal of silt build up, and installation of 700 feet of Juniper rootwad fence along the lowered levee to keep livestock out of the river.